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It has been forever, I have written so many drafts but have not published anything in quite some time. We have been running around, with appointments and more appointments.

I do apologize.

Right now we are knee deep in sleep fighting. BOTH boys, I repeat BOTH boys are going through a sleep regression. I am not even sure if I can call it that, because right now I believe they have a FULL ON strike with sleep and Us as parents.

They hate us, I know it. I thought they would be older when they declared their hate, but I am sure they hate us now. I mean if they loved us wouldn’t they sleep more???

Well,  I must say while they are not sleeping they are growing. Oliver grows like a weed, and eats like a champ! He is getting so big and sometimes I just want him to slow down… both growing and getting into things.

Theodore as we know is a bit more tricky. He is growing… YAY! He has maintained a steady weight but has been getting taller…soo he is starting to look like a little string bean.

Theodore has been eating better, but we don’t plan on taking him to any buffets anytime soon.

BUT….. I am proud of what he is eating.

Bites are getting bigger and chewing is getting better. He is picking up some of his own food with his pencer grasp. Although, he is picky about what he picks up, I am happy he has started self feeding.

I realized once I stopped stressing (as much) about his eating he started eating better. I wish this happened for everything.

I believe Theodore’s eating is getting better because he is getting stronger. He is tolerating more tummy time, getting on his tummy to reach for things, and rolling…. YES rolling!!!

Ok, I have only seen the rolling a couple times. It has only taken place when he wanted to get away from his brother and to get to dirt BUT I will take it!!! It is rolling!!

He also is chatting up a storm, not “real” words but words that he expects us to understand. Which is wonderful but when I don’t know what he is saying he gives me the stink eye. So that’s fun….

Theodore is also doing wonderful weight bearing and standing up. He loves his AFO’s (braces) and because of them he is pulling to standing from an elevated seated position. He will also go from seated to standing while playing. It may not happen a lot, but he is trying to build his endurance.

That I LOVE!

Walking is also something we have been working on developing. A few weeks ago he got a gate trainer, which looks like a fancy baby walker. This has not been beneficial for him because he always sits on the seat in the center. Knowing Theodore if you give him an inch he takes a mile… soo when he sees a seat he is sitting!!

Because of this we have tried an actual walker. The baby walker is adorable. This week (for the first time) he put pressure on his hands to stabilize the walker and took some assisted steps!!



Our boy took steps and he was proud. He was cheering in the mirror watching himself walk and it made me all the prouder.

I can not wait to see what the future holds for our little Theodore.

We still have a lot to practice. He won’t drink from a sippy cup, still chokes on water sometimes, does not crawl yet, is not strong enough to push up or pull up to knees, hates having a good deal of pressure on his hands and feet, and doesn’t enjoy a certain amount of messy.

I shouldn’t focus on the negative because I can’t show him when I get discouraged. I want him to know I never get discouraged in him, I get discouraged in myself. I fear I never work hard enough, or work enough. I, myself have to remain positive because I know my support and joy help him fight.

Nonetheless, I am proud of of him. I am proud of what he is doing and where he is going. I have many days where I feel like nothing is changing and we are in the drudges, but I know in my heart it will get better. I pray it will get better. He will get stronger.

I will, Report to Duty, in fighting through this sleep strike and fight to make both of our boys stronger. I will help them work to be their best. I will do better at acknowledging everybody has bad days. I will do better at understanding that you have to have bad days to appreciate the good! I hope you all do the same!!!

Until next time,
Reporting to Duty

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